El agente especial Jack Carter asume de mala gana la identidad del criminal Archie Moses para derrotar a una poderosa familia criminal sudafricana. Pero cuando el verdadero Moisés se pone en peligro. When Carter gets Moses mixed up with the Mexican cartel and.

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Bulletproof 2

Stars: Faizon Love, Kirk Fox, Tony Todd. Seriously, Wayans only has six film credits following Bulletproof, and they earned a. En la secuela, Jack (Faizon Love) ahora trabaja como Agente Especial con la misión de acabar con una. El agente especial Jack Carter asume de mala gana la identidad del criminal Archie Moses para derrotar a una poderosa familia criminal sudafricana. But when the real Moses is put in danger, he and Carter must work together to foil the scheme for good. But when the real Moses puts himself in danger, he and Carter must work.

Trailer Bulletproof 2

But when the real Moses is put in danger, he and Carter must work together to foil the scheme for good.